Sunday, May 27, 2007


Everyone have seen beggars in their life. They are not only in Tehran or Iran, all over the world you can see them but in different amounts. For example in Malaysia or Turkey they were few of them and nowadays in Tehran there are lots of them.
The reason of people who became jobless and start earning money by this way could be different but in those cities who have rich people they are fewer than poor cities. If that city has strong tourism industry or is an industrial one full of factories or is beside some ports and stations then weak people will find part-time jobs easier and of course in this case they won't start begging.
Anyway, in each case they exist. What's your reaction in front of them? Do you search your pockets for some coins or cheap notes or just nod your head and pass? The way of people's behavior in confronting them could be a reflection of their souls. I, myself ,prefer to not help them in the streets and just give some money or food to those poor ones who I know they are really in trouble, but some days ago when we were in a chain store and an old woman asked Mehrdad to buy her 3 cans of fish ,then his acceptance made a kind of satisfaction in me. I still believe that they are not trust able and maybe people will make them lazy in finding a job, but this is the case we saw everyday in all the world!!!

1 comment:

Sapinud said...

Everytime I decide to not give them money anymore, I end up with feelling guity. :-|