Monday, May 21, 2007

The Butterfly Effect

Last night I saw a film named "The Butterfly Effect". It was about a teenager which was moving between his past and future memories and in each session the story changes as the reason of one small difference in his childhood. At last after lots of travels to the past and future he chose the best memory and stayed there for the rest of his life.

Butterfly Effect theory is a diversion of Chaos Theory which is a main branch of Advanced Controlling Systems. According to this theory all the events of the world have been caused by a reason which a tiny difference in that reason would result in something more different. Let me describe more: Imagine you have 3 balls over a hill near to each other, you push them from the top and each of them go from a different path,the next time you repeat this exam the path would be different because the first place of the balls are not same as before. Or in the weather forecasting ,scientists says even the effect of butterfly wings during flying could result in totally different climate conditions.
This is a big theory and is worked by lots of researchers, i like the general nature behind it and want to share it with you. If anybody knows more about it please let me know too.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I am also interested in chaotic theory and butterfly effect. I think that it is a basic physical phenomena of nature that has been overlooked for centuries.