Saturday, December 30, 2006
Happy Before Eid
In these moments the order of your around people who hear that news is the symbol of their closeness to you.For me that close friend was available as usual and really make me think about being more happy. Thank you "The poet of Rain".
Wednesday, December 27, 2006
About Yesterday Post
It was not the first but the LAST time I described who I meant in my blog. Next time if you doubt who I'm talking please first think about whoever you like then write your comments here, I won't answer anyone out of blog. And if you can't put up with this rule please don't read it any more. I'm perfectly serious.
Tuesday, December 26, 2006
These Men ...
And something more, lots of men like women who are only obeying . In their views those women shouldn't criticize them or say their faults or even if they shout then they are not good women any more. I'm talking to those men: You are trying to change them as you wish ,but be sure that you must bear them in their own way and can't be successful very much. So try to put up with them or go somewhere else to not see them any more.( Really these men who want changing women blow me up!!!)
Sunday, December 24, 2006
A Story
The king manager said that we should enter him in the club of 99's, then he would change. This club was a new one for the king so he accepted to see the result. Next morning there was a bag including 99 gold coins at chef's workplace. He bring it surprisingly and went home. Then he count them and it was only 99 but not 100. He told himself he would work until earning the last coin. So from the next morning he go to work sooner and come back later and just wondering about ways of earning more money. Their joyful life was ruined totally.
The chef of my story is the symbol of those greedy people who never understand that they are spending all life times for earning money and for future easy lifes and when they come to it's so late.
Thursday, December 21, 2006
I won't say what should we do at this year(if you don't know you can check my posts in December 2005) ,but this year I have a problem.
Its 4 years from Mehrdad and I marriage. The first Yalda night his parents and he came to our home and gave their gifts. Actually its a custom to give the new bride of the family some presents . The 2nd and 3rd years we went to my parents home and celebrated it with them and now its his parents turn.
I know they are very kind and visiting his parents and brothers and sister is a good incident but I'll think about my parents all night...
We are 3 children in our family and now my parents at very soon olding ages are alone. what would be the result of we new generations who want only have 1 or at most 2 children!!!!!!!!
Tuesday, December 19, 2006
Monday, December 18, 2006
Late At Night
I don't know what more should I do to learn him to keep his keys always with himself!!!
Sunday, December 17, 2006
2 days ago she felt down in her room and because she is very fat she wasn't even able to stand up again. His husband phoned us, we went and after 30 minutes put her on the bed.The feeling of visiting her in that conditions was a great anguish. For even her bare necessities ,she needs someones abet. Now my mom said that his husband have asked ambulance to come and bring her to hospital to take more care of her. I know she is healthy but his husband weren't able to do so.
She needs an assert decision to reduce her weight otherwise she will stay much more days in the hospitals.
Saturday, December 16, 2006
Schools Holidays
In the schools children learn taking responsibilities in the future society . Now when the directors don't have any such feeling then what would you expect them in future?!!!
Thursday, December 14, 2006
These days Mehrdad and I have some bad problems, they should be solve otherwise Idon't know what will happen but I'm sure again our vows will work and we together will come over them. Our demands from God are always so abruptly but he will answer them in the right moment. Maybe we should wait for that moment...
Wednesday, December 13, 2006
Footbal- Internet- English Classes
In my workplace something ridiculous has happened. Only for the engineers using of internet is banned!!!!!!! Now just think about the logic of the man who has decided it but he will never understand while we ourselves are supplying rest of the employers so we will find our ways in using unlimited internet which is not registered in any log server. :D
... And at last, my mother has started learning English again. She can talk in average but her writing is awful. Now she has asked her teacher only learn her talking and reading but not writing !!! It was so funny for me when I heard it. How is it possible?!
Monday, December 11, 2006
When I reached home, for the first time I got a very bad headache which didn't alleviated with tea and coffee. I decided to be useful the next day but again same problems exists. Time is passing and will make us forget these bad moments, but my decision in making my own feeling better still exists.
Thursday, December 07, 2006
Tuesday, December 05, 2006
As it's said, after that election our people started practicing democracy in their society. For them who always have been laid on the oil benefits and interference of religion and politics are inevitable it was a big experience. I'm not writing about that time and its own problems because it's 8 years in our history.
After the time of Mr. Khatami, again people went to vote for their most powerful man in the governmental hierarchy. But something strange happened. Our intellectuals who are most living abroad and even lots of local ones banned participation in the election. They said we don't trust to the system and never think that our votes are choosing the president. I think they forget that each person has 1 vote, no matter if he is illiterate or educated.
We saw the result. Our current president has only 3 million votes behind, but he is here now. He started learning ruling the country and up to the time that he becomes educated all the people are paying its cost.
Now, next week we have another election. I know most of people haven't found that enthusiasm to participate and its priority is less than the other ones. But I have my own theory , accept it or deny; while we are living in Iran so we should vote ,when the amount of the votes increase then they can't ignore them and now it's better to participate in the election to EXERSISE for choosing another president in 3 years.
Monday, December 04, 2006
Now 1 year is passed and those photos are still in my computer. Really hearing that today is again his birthday was amazing. It seems just a blink of an eye for me while 1 year is passed.
Beside all these sayings help me to find a way and give them photos. It should be funny to see photos af your birthday but for last year.
Sunday, December 03, 2006
Mr. Mayor
Next election is going to be held in 14 days. I want to write much more about this election but not today. Just it's interesting to mention that the current mayor of Tehran who is directly responsible for severe traffic jam after the snow is increasing his popularity according to the latest rates. The more I think , The less I result. I should remember my friend's quotes:" According to their individual benefits ,it's to rational and the others are not important...."
imagine you have been stacked in that traffic with no way out and the temperature is going down , you are getting hungry and thirsty or even worse; your kids are nagging... then how you will accept to vote for the man who occasioned it!!!
Saturday, December 02, 2006
Cold Wether
But this snow result in some difficulties too. In immediate morning everywhere is covered with a thin ice layer ,make walking hard and finding taxi even harder. Being careful to not catch cold and not having broken bones could be a though project.
Tuesday, November 28, 2006
You find a title plz :D
If you are living in Iran and have a mobile phone number, you can send 500 free SMS via web to your friends by visiting , I haven't tried it yet but it sounds interesting.
A persian proverb says: " If God close a door (out of his wisdom), he will open another door(out of his kindness)." I think it's happening for me during these days. Thank God.
Monday, November 27, 2006
The feeling of self-satisfaction is very great!
Sunday, November 26, 2006
So Sad
For 3 years I was working with a man who is not only my colleague but some how my best friend. All these days our tables were beside each other, everyday 8 hours at least. I'm sure only if you have this experience then you will find what I say. From the first morning by the way of his saying hello, I was able to recognize his mood and trying to make his thought better. The reverse was true also. Lots of days when I was angry from something else and maybe don't talk him politely; he understood me and never complaint.
Now for some official changes our rooms are separated. It's not the first time. Last year when he went to Australia I had same feeling but he came back and again the sweet environment of working started. But this time is different. Now I should get used to the new situation, maybe it's his right to not see my face everyday and I shouldn't emphasize any more. Maybe … whatever the problem is , I can never forget my friend, I will stay as long as he needs but I will start that friendship again. I swear to do so.
Wednesday, November 22, 2006
Another Expensive Film
While the story of that Iranian actress is still talked everywhere and lots of people are tracing her court, same story is happening in USA but this one is more more interesting.
In this case Britney Spears and Kevin Federline are getting divorced. Kevin wants getting better cases in divorce contract so he had threatened Britney that if she refuses his demands then he will publish their film taken 2 years ago in their honey moon, he also wants 30milion $ to not do so, and even its said that Kevin is offered 50milion $ to give that film to a site to be first published by there…. And the end of this story, Britney has announced that she is ready to give that film to the sites free :D
To that friend: This friendship is so precious that allows us to demand more than others from each other. Otherwise there would be no difference between a close friend and a nagging college which is sited beside you and unintentionally is doing some acts that you don't like. You can never ask her to make her mobile silent or … because she won't understand. Up to now I think this case is so different about my close friends, but if you think so I will change my mind about you. ... Maybe being silent is better ...
Monday, November 20, 2006
Hey Women
My feminism is giggling me to comment about the last post. It's not fair at all :D Women are the symbols of wisdom and beauty not ... Do you agree?
Spring,Summer,Fall,Winter and again Spring
This man was a great professor in controlling his soul and had a 5 year old student. In these 4 seasons this student grown up and then in winter he lost his professor and became a professional man by himself and started adapting a 5 year old child again.
It wants to say that this cycle is repeating times and again in the human's life, somehow they should experience all the problems to admit the eldest advices.
In summer a sick lady came to that house and after the prayers of the old man she became healthy, but when she left them, young student felt that he is in love with him and left the house to her. But she refused his love and he killed her. This season was the encounter of young student with the wild outside environment and that girl played the role of Satan for his pure soul and changed all the rest of his life. Although at the end of the story he again found that purism but never could forget her story.
In all this film, 30 sentences were talked between the players and the rest was only calm bringing music. I really advice you to watch this film. Not because we don't believe in reincarnation in Islam but because its showing the nice legends of life due to the believes of far east people.
Sunday, November 19, 2006
New Bloggers
The thing which pushes me to write again after some days is the type of my blog. It's not a news agency or even a literature reference; it's just my diary and a reminder for future to show how I think before. So it lets me to write anything I want without thinking of not making the shape different.
You new bloggers, welcome to the nice world of bloggings!!!
Thursday, November 16, 2006
Check Your Money
I was supposed to send a package to a friend, so I called the postman to come and get the parcel. When I wanted to pay his money …. The situation was very bad. I asked that man to get money from my friend and I even didn't dare to tell my friend about the mistake.
Now I'm sure she has got the parcel and has paid the money, but I'm just thinking about the next time I see him what should I do.
Tuesday, November 14, 2006
Mom In Home
Don't blame me. I'm not spoiled, everyone has this kind of feelings but maybe because I don't have any sister it's worsened. Any how, I'm happy of her come back :)
Yahoo Time Capsule
For 30 days, from October 10 until November 8, Yahoo allowed her users to share their files, videos, photos, etc in a database which is going to be used 20 years later. Actually the purpose of such project is studying the ideas of people who were living 20 years ago. Now all the data which is sent from all over the world is saved in a safe historical data base and won't be opened in any situation till that time.
Of course this is not a big job but the general idea had a good advertisement for Yahoo and after the announcement the exchange rates went up. These brand new ideas will make a company like Yahoo and lack of them will produce somewhere such as my workplace.
Saturday, November 11, 2006
From Everywhere
Death penalty for Saddam Hussein, the title of this news is funny, isn't it? It was as crystal as day that a murderer like him won't be rewarded more than this. Cries for those poor ones who were killed by his madness.
The reason of this filtering is really funny. As I read in one news site, the annual expiration time of that German filtering software was finished. Because DCI(Data Communication of Iran) doesn't want to stop filtering and doesn't want to pay more money either, so they decided to start filtering banned files manually. Actually they changed that smart software with a man who is sited at the gateway and checking URL's. Just imagine the picture. I think it's really foolish. So naturally lots of clean sites where closed.
The wife of my uncle wants to go Malaysia to visit his brother who had come from USA, but she was late and missed the plane :D hearing this news was very humiliating. How careless someone could be!!!
Thursday, November 02, 2006
Wednesday, November 01, 2006
Illegal Films
Yesterday in the news we read about committing suicide of an actress who was suffering from spreading her film everywhere.
I don't know how much this news is based on true information , but whatever she did no one at no position should punish her because of her individual actions .This work is not called making a correct society but its called interfering in others nose.
Tuesday, October 31, 2006
Cuba Leader
It was interesting that because he knows his people won't believe this live show, so he read the head title of yesterday newspaper in a loud voice to prove that this is real.
But I don't understand one thing. While he is 80 year old and has been rolling Cuba for more than 40 years, why he should prove that he is alive?!!! Of course after this much time it's so probable that he dies but why he thinks by his absence everything will ruin. He is expecting more than he deserves, like a dictator.
Monday, October 30, 2006
SMS News
One of those spare ways in Iran is using SMS. This unknown service of 10 years ago now is one of the most essential features of Mobile phones. Iran communication network had a new record of 38 million messages for Fetr Eid which is really noticeable.
Beside the ordinary messages, jokes which are sent in certain period directly show the opinions. Nowadays these jokes are most around the foolish decisions of this inexperienced president. The humiliating sense of these jokes shows how smart the creators are. Here is 1 of them for those who are not living in Iran:
(This joke was spread after the unmanaged vacations after Fetr by president) according to last announcements of presidential office, because all the week days are between two Fridays (public holiday in Iran) so from now everyday is vacation in Iran!!!
Saturday, October 28, 2006
Fetr Vacations
Mehrdad and I were in Tehran and just enjoying the holidays, at first Mehrdad caught cold and slept for 2 days and then I caught cold and again slept for 2 days, but with a tiny difference when he went to doctor he ordered 3 ampoules for him :D but I just tried his tablets and no ampoule.
Sunday, October 22, 2006
Where Is Moon?
Year by year this subject turns more humiliating and nobody tries to make it better. while we have our own solar exact calendar ,this doubts in the lunar calendar is making the religion as a lime joke!!!
Wednesday, October 18, 2006
Grandma Is Sick
I remember those days always before going to her house my mother advices Yaser and I not to be impolite and make a lot of noises, we promise and promise. But as soon as we reach there we forget all the promises and starting to play in her garden and making lots of noise, running all over the house …. Always my mom wants to punish us but she never dares to do it in front of my grandma. She was always our safe guard in front of that cruel mom which stops our playing, and then we grow up, and grow up till now which we are married and have our business but she is always there in that nice house to cook us our favorite meals and enjoy our improvements. She is always there to talk us about the hard days of her youngness era and advising us to thank God that we are not living in those hard times. She is always there to tell us stories about my mom and uncles childhood to remind them that they have been as unexperieneced as us and shouldn't order us very much. And finally she is always there to prove that there is some kindness in this damn world…
I'm praying for her health … please listen Mr God. She is so precious.
Monday, October 16, 2006
Close Friends
I think it’s the reason of my father saying which always says never rely on your new friends. They should pass lots of tests to become your close friends , they should pass lots of times to prove that they deserve becoming your friend, yes he is right like all before.
Wednesday, October 11, 2006
A Letter 2 Future
I wrote my letter and willing to read it next year (if I was alive). Try it now. I think reading it will be a good memory for your next day, and don't lie, write whatever is making your mind busy these days. Here is the site:
US War Ship In The Way
I know in most of the cases these movements are just for advertising the headers request but who will be responsible for this probable attack?
The supreme leader of Iran said number of participants in coming election will show the popularity of government and they can estimate the number of attendance of that war.
Before every election he says the same but this time he is going to pay the cost by people's lives. Who cares!!!
Tuesday, October 10, 2006
Parsian Under Control
Now, Central bank has changed the director manager and is trying to reduce the improvement speed of Parsian. Newspapers said they have been frightened of having a big economic obstacle against government.
It's just another regret of living in this country, but I sigh about Parsian because it’s the first bank which is trying to have the nest E-banking services. Although till now this services are only E-Banking purchase, but still this effort in this infant electronic country is adorable.
Let see who is the next target of this … government.
Monday, October 09, 2006
Energy Sources
Never, ever ignore this feeling. Always remember that your careless will result in not good conclusions.
P.S. Sometimes running of the situation you have made is the best way of solving that problem in that moment. Think about it. ;)
Sunday, October 08, 2006
Thursday, October 05, 2006
Junk War
These days lots of lines where said about it,even some people wondered about the trueness of it. But the most significant part of it was that tiny confess about the useless of making a war long and longer.
Each war has its own damages and if it doesn’t end in a limited time the cost will increase in a rapid way.
We all paid that cost, those who lost a dear boy or husband or father and the rest who just paid it by the oil money.
Nowadays no country will accept to be in a long war. The last Lebanon –Israel war is considered as a long and useless war which could be ended sooner(it ends in 30 days).
How on earth my country defends for its leaders thought for 8 years?!!!
Tuesday, October 03, 2006
Ramadan Movies
I think they are managing the best time of people in Ramadan by these not necessary things. Before Eftar you don't have enough energy to do your works and after Eftar you don't find any free time if you or one of your family members are following the rule.
I don't like this time managing which is forced by TV. I know that we should take the control of our life but still wondering about the reason of not having any noticeable movie to watch all the year and suddenly lots of them in 1 month.
P.S. I don't find any time to clean my house :((
Monday, October 02, 2006
The Pilot Novelist
These days I'm reading a book about the biography of Antowan De Saint Exopery. He was living at the invention time of airplane, and he was a skillful pilot.
His experience as a pilot is shown at the first chapter of the book and then each person who is in the way of Little Prince, is the history of one of his own experiences.
I love the chapter of meeting fox. But still I have time to find the biography of it. His story was very tangible. Even now lots of us who know it was just a story are searching for Little Prince in the sky.
And also this book is the history of using airplanes as a transport vehicle. Their efforts of reducing fly time and making it safer is interesting.
Just take a look if you had time. It worth reading!
Saturday, September 30, 2006
No Title
…something else, a few days ago I gave a blood test which is done every year. But this time I tested about HIV too. Although I'm sure that I didn't have any wrong attempts, but I was really frightened. Even the test is fright-bringing; imagine how hard it is for the patients.
P.S. Accidentally I found that today is the international day of deaf people!!!
Thursday, September 28, 2006
My Deaf Friend
Its obvious that all the university staff some how protects him. I remember in one of the final exams when he was writing the answers from some cheat papers who he had brought, that man who was taking care saw him and just laugh.
With all his problems he became graduated and of course found a good job.
Now he is 27 and wants to get married. He is very handsome and his family are in a good position and wealthy. By these aspects it seems easy to find the suitable girl, but he is deaf!!!
He goes to the deaf community of Iran. In this place there are lots of deaf boys and girls coming everyday and he had fell in love with one of those girls. He always insisted on marrying with a deaf person so up to now everything is OK.
But his parents say he must get married with a healthy girl. They even say we will find someone who can bare you all the life time!!! But how it's possible!
Mr.X says that girl at first years can push herself to tolerate my situation but after maybe 5 or 10 years, my money and other good points will lose their face and she will be tired of living with me.
When I look from the view point of his parents I see they want a healthy girl to improve the life of their boy and give them some healthy kids, but when I look from Mr.x side I totally agree with him.
His parents says if he marry that girl he shouldn't come back home… very hard to decide. Isn't it?
Monday, September 25, 2006
These Days...
At least thank God after work hours it's as sweet as before. But it's not fair. We should change the feeling and the environment…
Yesterday I heard about one of my classmate's marriages. Because he isn't in healthy conditions the story is nice. Tomorrow I'll write about the marriage story of Mr. X who is deaf.
I forgot to say, this environment had made lots of colleagues to change their work place. Maybe I should think about it.
Saturday, September 23, 2006
1st Of Mehr
In the morning everywhere I was feeling this environment. Fortunately the traffic jam wasn't very heavy but the new uniforms of the children and crowded doors of the schools were just reminding that today is the 1st of Mehr.
I don't have good memories of my university era but my schools especially primary school is something else.
At that time we were living in Mashhad, and every morning Yaser and I and some times some of the cousins walk to school with each other. Believe me one of the best memories of education is your funny memories in the way:
…My mother had bought a new pair of red soft shoes for Yaser and he really loves them. Always in the house he wears them, and on the 1st of Mehr he went to school by them :D Imagin wearing soft red shoes in the school!!! I'm sure he still remembers it.
Thursday, September 21, 2006
Security Problem
The experience of sudden news of site hack was new and somehow interesting for me. At least it will make managers more responsible about site securities and also experts advise.
Thank God that the problem is solved now.
Tuesday, September 19, 2006
Space Passenger
Actually up to now, about 200 people have reserved this trip till 2008 and Mrs. Ansari was one of them but because one of the Japanese scientists of Soyuz( the capsule which will carry them to ISS) were not in healthy conditions they replaced him with Mrs.Ansari. Because 2 weeks ago this replacement happened so all the equipments are for that Japanese person even the foods.
Launching Soyuz to ISS (about 400km) will take 2 days long. Because all the measurements should be very exact to not lose the capsule in unlimited space but coming back from ISS will take about 4 hours.
Anyway, this trip is done out of a huge measurements and team-works but there never could be any guarantee that if you leave the earth you will come back again. Its space and have its own probabilities.
As a dream I wish I were in her shoes :D a very adventures trip with not clear future. I wish good luck for her.
Monday, September 18, 2006
Kiss the Lovely Face Of God
Everyone knows that in this month Moslem don't eat and drink and do some certain jobs to keep their promise with God in worshipping him (why God pronoun is always HE?!!!)
It's obvious that he doesn't need our worships and also most of us are neglectful about the orders of this process.
I'm also one of them ,but in my case this neglect is very natural because I always think that my God is too near ,so whenever I need him I can count on him and even if I forget him in some cases, he will always reminds me.
But Ramadan is different than other months. I really like this fasting, not its hungers and thirsts, but the feeling of trying to remember some things better than your usual life. Remembrance of God in this month is very good (of course I admit that there is no need to remember God by fasting)
And another good point of this month is that Mehrdad and I will eat dinner with each other. And because he is hungry he never understands the bad points of my dish :D
I'm waiting for Ramadan…
P.S. The title of this post is the name of a book I read last week.
Saturday, September 16, 2006
Bad Morning
Thank God in 90% cases this offence will be forgotten during night sleep and next morning you can feel better if again something else doesn't bother you!!!
We have a good proverb in Persian about this story. Do you know what I'm talking about? ;)
Monday, September 11, 2006
Ideal Way Of Thinking
He said, when you listen to news as the source of new information your brain faces into a great deal of new things. For example a war in Palestine, a flood in India, a plane crash in …, burning a child with 3 hands, finding a new vaccine for HIV virus and lots more.
Your brain should handle all these data, and managing them in your brain cells will take time and energy.
He suggested getting information about a 1-dimension subject and then after a while, for example 6 months, you'll find you are getting expert in that field very unintentionally.
Somehow he is right!!! I also think reading news is a hobby which is sometimes a time consuming job to kill the time. What's your idea?
Saturday, September 09, 2006
Fall Coming
Even they have predicted maybe the schools should start one week later to avoid student’s harms out of the dirty weather.
Anyhow, I love this season changing in Iran. It’s very very better than just having one season all the year. Here you are experiencing your age passing in different kinds of weather and it’s somehow more adventures and interesting!!!
Tuesday, September 05, 2006
By this image, I thought that the crew staffs are among those dead 29 ones, but amazingly I found that none of those 11 people, even the pilot were even injured.
Now I'm seeing that image more clearly. That plane landed but the tires didn't work. It had the accident and suddenly the flames were all over. The emergency doors should be opened to make that run easier but the first ones at that doors were the staff.
From the moral point of view that pilot should remain in the plane till the moment all the passengers left (like Titanic :D) but …
Sunday, September 03, 2006
Despising Feeling
This story isn't a new one, but today the main manager called all the women!!! And talked to us and asked not to wear these short cloths or maybe don't wear makeup or talk with men or…
But none of them never ever first think that in a work place,where we come everyday to spent most of our day time, just the environment will encourage us to do our jobs and this environment is made by every members of it , no matter man or woman, and if its faked then all of the members are responsible for making it healthy again because its their living room. It's none of the business of that manager who thinks maybe Islam is in problem by those actions. It's something completely personal, you can't go to your neighbor and order him to wear yellow cloths, but…
This despising feeling was making me really depressed, but I will never forget that I'm living in this damn beloved Iran!!!
Saturday, September 02, 2006
Crash Again
Yesterday this year's crash happened in Mashad airport and because the tiers of the plane didn't work properly while landing, it fired and about 30 people burned in the flames and more was injured.
Just thinking about that moment when they were poisoned in that bunch of metal and flame and screaming for the help is sorrow bringing.
We are paying the costs of living here and most of the times this price is very expensive.
Wednesday, August 30, 2006
Listen Mehrdad Khan
I felt pretty shied when I see how skillful she is!!!
Tuesday, August 29, 2006
Missed the old days!
When I was child, in certain days like the first day of the new year, my parents give us Eidi (like the gift of Christmas). Most of the times this Eidi was a new note which its amount would increase by our age. Of course the older we get the more Eidi we get. It's one of the sweetest memories of those days. This custom is still done in our home but something has changed. At those times having that new note was important not it's value but these days only the 0's of the note is important. Even it's better to have a great deal of old notes instead of 1 new but cheap note.
Every one likes money, but I want to say we are forgetting something which is more important. Those old notes will never stay in the memories of a child even if they are very valuable. Do you agree?!!
Monday, August 28, 2006
logical and LOGICAL
His answer was interesting. When I asked him to accept the receipt, he said there is no need to any receipt while you and I know about this money and if one of us face into any problem (die maybe !!!) then this money doesn't have it's value.
He didn't accept the receipt and I admit that he is right.
What do you think? Which one was true?
Sunday, August 27, 2006
Nuclear men of government of course know about the results of any deny against the world requests and also they want to have their faked face as a great power in front of their people. So they just delay that certain YES which will be obliged in certain future and just postpone time by saying not clear answers.
Now, after this much time and even after yesterday show about getting the techniques of making heavy water, I'm sure that Iran will accept any offer about nuclear conflicts to make the position of the governors more stable. ANY OFFER!!!
Wednesday, August 23, 2006
Power Failiure
Talker of the power ministry announced the reason as a failure in one of the main posts of power transportation, but it's heard that this is happened because of the overload in the network which can be caused by not changing the local time in the new government.
Anyhow, today past with its problems; but it's very possible that if you want to paralyze Tehran just bomb in the power centers. We really don't have any active backup. The winner of the coming war if clear!!!
Monday, August 21, 2006
Some days ago when I reached home I saw that the roof of the bathroom is wet. Because we are in the upper floor and we are in summer, it was clear that this leakage has been caused by some cooler machines on the roof.
I went angrily to the manager of the building and complaint about that careless neighbor who haven't checked his machine and made us the problem. The manager is a nice old man who was trying to make me calm and promised me to compensate all the damage.
But you know what happened when we went on the roof? The broken machine was OURS, not any one else. Imagine my situation, after that much shouting at the man then see you, yourself, are the guilty.
Please remind me not to judge at the first glance ;)
Saturday, August 19, 2006
Tuesday, August 15, 2006
Bad Feeling
- Have you sent that money? They are waiting for it.
- Did you asked about the possibility of helping her? She needs it.
Yes,Yes,Yes I have done all of them but I'm feeling alone. Someone please help me.
- Go to your friends, they will help you.
But they …
- So go to your mother, I think she is the best choice.
But you know she is not here now, like my brothers and the others.
- So come to me, you now I'm always available for you.
Yes, I know. Thank you.
Monday, August 14, 2006
old cloths
One of the first and easiest ways of feeling better in your home is checking out all your stores and boxes and wardrobes and drawer chests to make sure that you have only necessary things, not something you might need in an unknown day of future.
Most of us have lots of shoes or cloths which are not in today's style and they are still new and useable. Some of us will keep them in the stores for a day which that kind of cloth becomes in style again. Yes, of course it's true that after some years long cloths get short or reverse for example. But we can give those cloths to charity organizations for two benefits.
First to get the positive energy of helping to someone else by providing his cloth and second by getting another positive energy while we are buying those cloths when they are in style again.
Don't be stingy; very easily get rid of your old cloths :D
Saturday, August 12, 2006
Yes, we are forgetting even our faces, what more do you expect to remember the others!!!!
Friday, August 11, 2006
Tehran Mountains
But recently something disastrous is happening. In some of these mountains like Kolakchal, the government has buried some unknown martyrs who has turned this nice place to a cemetery and on the weekends some of their fans climb the mountain to visit them. It’s of course a free place and nobody has the possession but the general environment they’ve made with this action is no good at all.
I prefer to never go there and enjoy my time by not seeing them but what will happen if they do this job in all mountains?!!!
Wednesday, August 09, 2006
Happy Mother's day
I'm a woman and I can be labeled as a feminist .I think nothing can be worth equal to a day that you are praising a mother effort in raising the child. Yes of course that child needs a father but the mother is the always available devotee for that child in any time. Both of them are doing their duty but the one who is expensing from her health is the mother.
P.S. I'm not a mother so fathers can complaint as much as they want :D
Monday, August 07, 2006
Show must go on!!! Life is amazing.
Saturday, August 05, 2006
The War-6
After this so-called peace everyone optimistically thought that this war is finished, but none of the sides accepted to reduce their armies and weapons. About 40 days ago, 3 of Israel soldiers were kidnapped by Hezbollah (one of the Moslem armies) and it gave the excuse to Israel to start a great war. This time all the past peace agreements are denied and all sides are battling with most of their ability. Of course every one knows that Israel has nuclear weapons which haven't still used them.
While all the wars has their own strategy which the first one is not killing women and children, but unfortunately the place of firing Palestine rockets which is in civilized areas had lead the war into villages. Lots of nonmilitary people are killed in Palestine and they have made lots of suicide in civilian parts of Israel which has the same result.
Looking at the statistics the number of Arab death is 10 times more than Israelis. No doubt they should finish the war. This time Israel has targeted all economic parts of Lebanon and Palestine like important factories and tourism economy. Palestine by giving help from some resorted countries like Iran and Syria is doing all he can do. They don't have anything to defend except their people which are not in security any more.
I never understand the reason of this war. When I started writing the history of The Holy Land ,I want to answer the question of the reasons of these conflicts in these centuries but it's interesting that now ,when I know the history still I don't find the reason of killing this much people .
And one thing more… as an Iranian I'm ashamed of my country helps to heat this fire which will delay any kind of peace bringing. I'm ashamed of seeing sending young soldiers to fight for other nations while we have our own problems and we are sure they will never help us in economic sanctions.
Wednesday, August 02, 2006
The War-5
West Bank and Gaza Strip which were in Arab parts were controlled by Jordan and Egypt from 1948 till that year Israel attacked for these areas and occupied them. UN in Security Council asked Israel to leave occupied land to make peace. Meanwhile Palestinians were demanding for their independency, either in Palestine or occupied lands.
This war continued all these years. In 1993 Israel accepted to allow Yaser Arafat to enter The Land and according to Oslo Accord he accepted to give Palestinians some limited independency in some parts of occupied lands.
I think this story which is looped in different periods of time will be ended in next episode.
Monday, July 31, 2006
The War-4
Turkey lost it's control of the Middle East. Britain decided to make two parts in The Land one for Arabs and one for the national people including Jews. Emir Faisal agreed to Jews immigration to Palestine but he asks them to accept The Land as a state of Syria.
Between 1920 and 1945 the Jewish population increased from 1% to almost 31% .In 1936 the British Peel Commission advised to divide the western part of the Palestine between Arabs and Jews. This suggestion end to a war which made 5000 Arabs, 400 Jews and 200 Britain killed.
I think after observing the pertinacity of Arabs and Jews, British decided to Leave The Land immediate after the World War II. They found that none of them is accepting any peaceful contract….
Sunday, July 30, 2006
The War-3
In 539 BCE Cyrus II of Persia let the Jews in which were exiled from The Land by the Babylonians.
In 330 BCE Alexander the Great get the control of the land. After his death in 323 BCE, Jews were divided into two groups; first those one who were in belief of Helen (The Greek Goddess) and those ones who were remained in their past believes. Then the Jewish-Roman Wars started.
Then Christianity was born which was branched from Judaism. In 66 CE the Great Jewish-Roman Revolt was held which resulted in 1300000 Jews death and destruction of their temple in Jerusalem. After it in most of the wars Jews failed, so they migrate to Egypt and some Hellenistic parts of the world.
In 634 CE, Arabs took the control of Palestine. They change everything even the language to their own and then after a while Shia started living there.
Then Christians decided to get their Prophet place of resurrection from Arabs and the Crusades started. They got the land for about 300 years until Saladin won the war and finished this period.
Then the Ottoman Period started from 1516 until 1800 which Turks get the control of the land. During this time Napoleon invade the country but they push him out of the land and their kingdom last till World War I.
The history of this Holy Land is which has resulted in current war is going to be started…
Saturday, July 29, 2006
The War-2
Jewish: for more than 3000 years this land which is called Israel belonged them as the place of the First and Second Temple. Recently the archeologists have found some symptoms that shown even the kingdom of David and Solomon (they are both mentioned in Quran) has been done there. They Failed in some wars such as Bar Cochba Revolt against Roman Empire and lost the Land.
Christians: It's really a great place for them too. It's the place of birth of Crucifixion and also the place of resurrection of Jesus Christ (He was born in Bethlehem). They call the land as Jerusalem.
Moslems: It's called Holy Valley (Alvadi Almoghadas or AlQhuds) and it's very very important for them. It's in association with Israelis' Prophets (they believe their existence) and it's also the place of Isra and Miraj( the spiritual journey of Prophet Mohammad to and from Jerusalem).
So they all have their own reasons to live there….
Wednesday, July 26, 2006
The War-1
Once upon a time, when the ice age was finished (?) and there were not any dinosaur living in this nice earth, the humans started rounding everywhere and started their civilized livings.
From the first days, distinctively they felt the necessity of religion existence and started worshiping different idols. Then they become more modernized and according to their Holy Books God helped them. The first ancient religious was Zoroastrianism which believed in One God ruling over the world. Then the Abraham era started which is contained of Judaism, Christianity and Islamic religions.
It's very interesting that all these Monotheism religions have started from the Middle East; the territory which is in a great unfair war; the country which is my story object in the coming episodes. I'll talk more.
P.S. In finding the history and special words spells, I've got help from WIKIPEDIA The Free Encyclopedia.
Saturday, July 22, 2006
Blame Reason
Sorry that these days this blopg haven't been updated.It doesn't mean that it's not an important job for me but it's only because of my spirit which is so tired recently. I hope I be able to write again.
Thanks for your notice.
Tuesday, July 18, 2006
P.S. once I started to write about Middle East conflicts in this blog and lots of annoying comments rush to me. At that time I said to myself it's none of my business of course. Two nations are killing each other for more than 100 years and no one says anything because none of them is a good listener. This time the story is continued again. I want to write more about this battle, this so unfair battle which started by kidnapping 3 Israelis soldiers and had result into lots of death.
Saturday, July 15, 2006
Hi Mr. Groom
Today morning we had a special passenger from Malaysia (you can guess who I'm talking about). Usually when he comes Iran nobody goes for him to the airport but this time his status as a groom had changed the rules. We went to Mehrabad and we made him chocked and I'm sure he won't forget this time. He was a groom who a bride was waiting for him.
Tuesday, July 11, 2006
A Story
After leaving the first country, he said "how strange they were." Because although they weren't doing his orders but they were kind of susseccfuls. Then he went to the second country and the story begins again , but something new happened. After leaving the second country he wasn't that much sure about their wrong methods, because although they listen to him but they were still successful in their own method.
This story continues for years. Our hero went to lots of countries, met different nations and didn't leave them until he became sure that they were successful.
When he came back, his family was shocked. Because he wasn't the man who left home years ago. He had changed a lot and he thought that he had made the others changes.
The man of my story never understood that those nations had made him a different man. Unintentionally he adopts himself like them to convince himself about doing that job.
I'm saying that in certain situation you should act different to reach your goal. Otherwise the situation will change you.
Sunday, July 09, 2006
Yesterday I heard in the news that a big electronic company in Italy has sold lots of devices and at that time had promised customers to give their money back if Italy wins the world cup, because the probability of Italy win was very low. But now they are praying for France win, otherwise they will be broken. A good kind of advertisement, which doesn't work always ;)
Saturday, July 08, 2006
Always alive people are with us, I'm trying to enjoy being with them in order to regret past moments after their death. But accept me that it's hard to remember all good people every moments.
P.s. I think that my blog writing is a kind of loud thinking in world wide web. When something is in my mind ,by expressing it in my blog ,I feel better to put it away. So please don't blame me why sometimes my subjects are not interesting enough.
Wednesday, July 05, 2006
I Should Change
Unquestionably it's true in most of the relations, between a mother and son, teacher and students, two friends, two colleagues…
Because of this fact If my husband, or a friend or my parents are tired or angry ; up to the moment I find the reason; some how I think maybe I've been the cause or maybe I can help them. So I start questioning and because I'm not the cause in most cases, they feel I'm entering their privacy. It's a behavior I should change in myself.
Monday, July 03, 2006
Sunday, July 02, 2006
Involved in Zodiac Signs
Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpions, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces.
It’s interesting to know that the people who are born in the same month act some how similar to each other in different circumstances. And it’s more interesting to know that these signs are defined according to the stars which where in the direct line between the sun and the earth at those 30 day period. In another words it’s saying that your location in the big galaxy has it’s effects on you.
Maybe some day, we ordinary people, understand why Taurus born ones are that much calm and cute or Pieces born are sensative or Gemini born are noncomformists. It’s a nice question about people’s creation ;)
Saturday, July 01, 2006
Asymmetric beautiful Faces
If you divide your picture by Photoshop from middle vertical line and reverse it and put these two photos beside each other (by doing this job, you are making your face symmetric) surprisingly you will find how ugly your picture becomes; but don't forget that if your first picture is not good by itself then these vertical lines can't make the situation worse:D
Friday, June 30, 2006
Soon Final
If Germans win the match I’ll lose lots of bets :(
3 hours later: Argentina lost the match in penalty shots. So nothing to say!
Wednesday, June 28, 2006
This ridiculous test is named Konkoor. We can consider it as a nightmare or exaggerating ceremony for our people. I hope at least our children never see this unfair judgment!!!
Tuesday, June 27, 2006
Damn Filtering
Rumors and sleepy workers
…and something else, looking at the sleepy faces of colleges at work is turning to a disaster. They watch world cup matches up to the midnight and the day after that they are just taking naps behind the desks. It's giving a feeling of sleepy environment to everyone. Am I right?
Sunday, June 25, 2006
Your link is correct, don't change the URL.
The subject is longer than the post :))
Yesterday when I ask a friend that how he remembers the history of 1958 FIFA world cup, he replied that he was alive at that time but in his past life, his name was DeterHiens , his wife's name Mary and he had been Swedish!!!
I need that starful sky. Please help me.
P.S. I don't like to delete your comments, because I think it's Very interesting to see your discussions about a topic, please don't ask me to do such a criminal :D
Thursday, June 22, 2006
For My First Boss
Yesterday my manager signed his resignation letter and said he won’t come from Saturday. He was working in IT department for more than 4 years and it’s a record for this place. When he was calling us group by group to announce his proves to us, I was thinking about all my work experience, which was made by him as my only manager up to that time.
In spite of all his discriminations, which were crystal clear for everyone, he also had some good points. Now I’m sure that if you want to be a successful manager you should collect some good employers and make a feeling of team working between them to optimize their ability. You should have the power of making the last decisions and cutting the subject. You should be a good talker to convince all opposite parties to silent them at the time. You should be up to date in IT fields… and you should know to be in whose side in a big company to be survived (This item needs a little bit more intelligent than the others).
Now I’m waiting to see the new manager and his abilities, but some changes at some times are necessary, it’ll result into improvements. I hope this case is one of them.
And I will never forget him, because he was the first. Good Bye Mr ...
Wednesday, June 21, 2006
We creatures
In last days when I was sympathizing with some friends, I heard this sentence which says:" you are not in her shoes. Maybe if you have her situation, you were reacting much more badly." again and again. But still I think that we make our conditions by ourselves. We can't blame God or parents or … for all failures. We are responsible for our jobs!!!
Tuesday, June 20, 2006
Today morning it happened for me. My first reaction was a complete long laugh. They were talking about me in a different language that they are always talking to me but this new language wasn't bad. It was totally new and somehow kinder than before, because they weren't looking at the positions and just were free.
Monday, June 19, 2006
i've just remembered
2-When you collect some people's money for buying a gift for a friend instead of them and then when they ask you "what did you buy?" and you answer them "It's a surprise." Then you should remember this probability that at the time of paying money, they won't give you their part to surprise you.
3-I'm wondering if this photo problem is by filtering of Iran. Please notice me if you can see my photoblog picture by your internet link.
Sunday, June 18, 2006
Iran in world cup 2006 is finished.
... I'm the fan of Argentina in the first group and Brazil in the second one. I prefer to watch the final match between these two teams. Let's see what's happening.
Saturday, June 17, 2006
Feel Good
And something more, these lazy blogspot administrators at last have solve the photo problem. I'm happy of publishing my photoblogs posts again.
P.S. The problem still exists.
A Story
There was a blind girl who hated herself because of being blind. She hated everyone except her boyfriend. One day the girl said that if she cud only see the world she would marry her boyfriend, one day someone donated their eyes 2 her and then she saw everything including his boyfriend, her boyfriend ask her, "now that you can see, will you marry me?", the girl was shocked when she saw her boyfriend is also blind, and she refuse to marry him. Her boyfriend walks away with tears and said, “Just take care of my eyes dear
Tuesday, June 13, 2006
Iran Fans
But I don't want to talk about the match. I want to write about those mean spectators who were in Germany for encouraging Iran players but most of them have sold their tickets to the Mexico fans.
While all the cost of your trip from Iran to Germany with the ticket of 3 matches was less than 3000$, most of our football watchers sold their tickets for 5000$ to Mexicans. So when we were watching the match only 1500 people were there to call Iran, Iran, Iran. When game was over the coach of Mexico thanks all Mexican fans who were one of the most powerful reasons of their win in the second half.
See ,again after watching the match we are just blaming players and coach but we never think why our representatives have sold our honor for 5000$!!!
Last night Japan lost his match too, but I can never compare their fans with ours….
Monday, June 12, 2006
When we expect someone more than his ability ,and because of the time we believe in our wronge expectation , then adopting to face the reality is so hard. I think you know what I'm talking about.
P.S. This photo problem is by blogspot. I hope after a while they be able to solve it.
Sunday, June 11, 2006
Dead one=Good one
Always this happened and I never understand why the reason is. But now when I see my living environment I understand… it’s the logic of these people; when someone is silent nobody pays any attention to him but when he starts moving around everybody tries to stop or put some stones in his way. It could be the reason why we can't improve our situations.
And it can be the reason why all dead ones are good ones. When they are alive no one remembers their existence in the world and when they die everyone cries for them.
Saturday, June 10, 2006
Somi, The cook
I bought 2 nice cleaned chickens and put them in onion and other teasing staff and then after some hours I put them over 2 skewers and put them in the oven and started counting minutes for having a delicious food.
In the middle when I opened the door lots of smokes were there. Those chickens had started pouring their waters at the bed of the oven and because of the heat all of them returned into smoke.
I opened all the windows and turned the conditioner on, and then every 5 minutes I checked the oven and cleaned the bed. I burned my hands and out of my exhaustion weren't able to eat meal.
Next day when I asked that teacher about his instruction, he laughed and said I should turn the up light on, not the down light. The point of that cooking was very funny. When I think about all hard jobs I did that night to put the smoke away and just by simply changing the lights I would solve that problem I just laugh.
But none of these accidents is opposite the fact that "women cooking are better than Men." :D
Friday, June 09, 2006
World Cup 18th Begins
I personally enjoyed watching the program; it means that we still are remembering our memories.
Wednesday, June 07, 2006
This Amazing Life
So it's the reason that your 20 friends in high school changes to 10 and then some new ones come and go and at last 3 or 4 best friends remains for you. These 3 or 4 are so much precious.
These friends are always with you, but what will happen if they got married and their spouse doesn't like even your face?!!!!! It means that gradually, you are losing that friend unintentionally and the worse; you can't do anything to make the relations better.
I know if a true friend is a true friend he/she will remains always your true friend, but I want him/her always not just in phone or mail. I should fight for my valuable memories. This attempt is making another memory …
Tuesday, June 06, 2006
Saturday, June 03, 2006
Goodbye Maryam
Imagine you are in street and your purse is stolen, after one week you have done all the works about it, you have requested for your secondary driving license, you have collected your friend's phone numbers and you have forgotten the money. Then your car is stolen. Again after a certain time; maybe one year is needed; all damages are compensated and you are continuing your life.
The motion which makes humans to get enough strength in facing life difficulties is their hope for future. With that hope they are able to forget all their failures and plan for a better life.
But how is it for those ones who have lost their hope and faith? In their estimations there isn't any need for living. I always pray God to protect me against losing my faith.
Two days ago one of our colleagues died. She didn't have a good life and I think she never felt any tranquility in her life span; I hope her soul finds the peace and rests in its place from now.
Times and again we see death in beside but forget it after a while!!!
Friday, June 02, 2006
I always thought that if I eat a complete dinner maybe I’ll have nightmares but this case is different.
There are lots of mysteries in this world which scientists haven’t found any answer for them. Dreaming and the quality of remembering it and its interpretations is one of those unanswered questions.
Thursday, June 01, 2006
As you know, last week in Iran all the prices of foreign products had a noticeable increase out of the new decisions of the government. They ratified a rule, which gets customs duty 10 times more than before. They explained it as a way to support local producers but they never thought that up to the time we reach to their level we should produce our power chargers!!!!! And let our people to enjoy the quality of good products.
Wednesday, May 31, 2006
New Face
As you see I have lost my old blog-template. I'm trying to find the way out but because I don't know anything about HTML I don't know how to change this ugly pink colure in the side bars. Please help me if you know the number of old code for the previous lovely pink colored; and something more; I should rewrite my friends links and also my site meter( I have lost more than I expect :o ) so up to that time bare this new and ugly face.
Tuesday, May 30, 2006
Some days our patience boundaries are very limited. We can't listen to any opposite decision or in the case that we know the argument won't result in any agreement, we don't stop it. I'm sure that everybody has been in such situations more than one time.
What could be the way out? I think taking a deep breath and thinking to a good memory or some one beloved and strong intention to put yourself out of this crisis could make you feel better. It's free, try it ;)
Saturday, May 27, 2006

This is the picture of Greek ship in west bank of
It was for
Now, if you go at sunset to visit it, you can see one of the most beautiful views of the sun over the see.
Friday, May 26, 2006
Devoted Husband
But at least he is honest to express himself. Last year when a 5.2 Richter earthquake happened in Tehran, I was asleep and he immediately ran out of home. He said it’s an advice to just think about yourself at that moment. Maybe he is right.
Wednesday, May 24, 2006
Iran Closed
Last Friday in Iran Daily newspaper a caricature was painted showing a cockroach which was speaking with the accent of Azeri People. Up to this point everything was ok, but suddenly from Sunday some complaints start about the caricature and Azeri people said they think this picture is insulting them and they condemned for the caricaturist punishment. Two days ago the caricaturist was fined from his job and yesterday, when the judge saw that this new movement is not finishing they put him on jail and even arrest the owner of the newspaper and closed it.
Lots of noises for just one word which was said by a cockroach!!! Some of my friends said that poor guy should be punished because he had repeated the dirty jokes about Azeri or Lori or other local nations. But please wait and have a look at the whole story again. Do you think really that guy wants to insult kind people of
I think all of these arguments is very well managed to make a legal reason for closing more than 250 newspapers before. This time they are saying that we are paying attention to your demands so we close this one like the others.
But this axe of punishment shouldn't be always on the head of journalists in order to let them criticize leaders and powerful people to watch their jobs. It's a fact that if nobody feels freedom to express himself then no improvement is done.
Monday, May 22, 2006
2nd Of Khordad
Imagine its 9 years ago and tomorrow is the presidential election. Would you elect Mr. Khatami as your president?
I want to confess that : Yes I would. In spite of all his negligence in front of the people's wishes, in spite of all his failures in making people better economical conditions, in spite of all his cowardice in fronting the USA at that damn Clinton time and in spite of lots of other reasons which maybe will flash in your mind ,I would still vote for him.
Lots of conditions has changed during past years, I know the future can judge him more fairly and they will admit that in those eras he was the best.
I pray never come a day that we say at the era of Ahmadinejad, he was the best… Sigh…
Our Present
One day, a raven was sitting on a tree doing nothing all the day. A rabbit came dawn and asked him:" Can I sit all the day and do nothing?" raven answered:" Of course you can." So the rabbit sit under the tree and take a nap. Suddenly a fox came and ate him.
A funny result of this story could be this one: if you want to do nothing all the day; you should be sit in very high levels.
But this funny conclusion is a real one in
By the way, have you ever made a whole food burned all the way? Yesterday it happened for me and after 2 hours I was able to make the fog disappeared. The look of the food after its burning was amazing. Just a bunch of black material in a previous nice pot which was as ugly as those ones which are used on real burning woods now.